The kids were pretty amazing. Easton had a rough time sleeping in his car seat, but I expected much worse. We drove a night and a day, stayed in a hotel, and then drove the rest of the 10 hours (times two).
We hit up a few holiday family parties
We surprised Brett's family by showing up at the Ence family Christmas Eve party
We got to spend Christmas with our family's (X-mas 2008 was the last time we got to do that)
Most of us had the nasty stomach bug during our trip. Easton first, then Avery, then Brett (on his birthday of all days) and Quinnlyn (and unfortunately my mom picked it up from us). I was the lucky one not to get it because I am a hand washing maniac!!
We ate at all my favorite 'St. George restaurants' that I have been missing so much: Cafe Rio, Taco Time, Marv's (for the fries and fry sauce), Wingers, and Pizza Factory. We didn't hit up In-n-Out so I am still craving it.
I bought a new wedding ring that was entirely out of our budget and I instantly regretted it but they wouldn't cancel my order since it is a 'custom ring'. UGH!!! I am still sick about spending so much money.
We visited with several great friends whom we haven't seen for way too long (unfortunately we weren't able to see everyone we wanted to, but that is what happens when you only have a short amount of time to do so many things)
I got to hang out with some of my sisters who I miss so much. Too bad we can't all be visiting at the same time because we missed Danielle (who lives in Hawaii) and Christie (who lives 2 hours south of Indianapolis)
We celebrated Brett's birthday with a Jones Family get together. He's 31....but still as smokin' hot as ever ;)
We had a boring New Years. Brett stayed awake and watched the ball drop on TV while the rest of us went to bed.
We enjoyed some amazing weather of about 60 to 65 degrees the whole trip!! It was amazing. There were bike rides, and trips to the park, and SUN!
I only took a handful of always.
We had tons of fun and the drive was totally worth it!! Although I don't want to do it again for a very long time!!
1 comment:
You are one brave woman. I just wont commit to a drive back home. And did you lose your first wedding ring? I lost mine 6 months after we got married. Luckily my mom wanted to give me my GREAT Grandma's wedding ring. It fits me perfectly and I haven't taken it off in 4 1/2 years.
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