Just a few things at 25 1/2 weeks:
Doctor Visit: They have been moved to every 4 weeks......which is unheard of for me.
Ultrasound: The last I had was 2 weeks ago and everything was good (cervix was slightly shorter)
Movement: She moves all the time, but isn't as strong as I remember my other kids being.
Complaints: I get lots of headaches & my ankles/feet are swollen by the end of the day :( I also get annoying hunger pains in the early morning so I usually have to eat a cracker or two before I can fall back asleep.
Names: We're having a difficult time choosing one we both love.
17p shots: I love getting them & Brett loves giving them :)
What do the Kids think?: Quinnlyn wants to feel the baby kick all the time, Avery is mostly concerned about finding a name for her, and Easton just discovered my 'outy' belly button and wants to push it (he also thinks he has a baby in his belly too).
What does Brett think?: I'd love to know....
Favorite thing to eat: Carbs
Other news: I'd rather shop for boy clothes, I am so happy to not be on bedrest, & I am 100% terrified to deliver this baby (assuming it's anything like the last 2).
1 comment:
Good luck with the name . . . names are so hard, hope you can come up with one before she is born . . . but then when you meet her, it might change ;)
You look great. It really looks like you are trying to push your belly out so you actually look pregnant!
Tell the kids hi from us!
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