For me, Florida means lots of sunshine & lots of fun! Some of my favorite memories of Florida happened when we decided to take a road trip down to Jacksonville to visit my husbands sister & her family. We only had our girls then, but I was so nervous to drive the 13 hours with a 2 year old & a 4 year old!! It was daunting to say the least, but we decided just to go for it.
The drive actually went really well and we arrived in Jacksonville, FL ready for fun!! It was pretty awesome to leave the March cold weather (in Indiana) and trade it for some beautiful warmth & sun that we got in Florida. Our kids had a blast with cousins....walking downtown along the Jacksonville riverwalk, taking evening walks, playing outside, and we certainly had a great time at the beach (even if we came home sunburned & sandy).
Did we go to Disneyworld? No. Did we go to Universal Studios? No. But we proved that Florida can be pretty great even if you just hang out and play with no other plans. Our spring break in Florida will definitely be a vacation to remember. And the drive home wasn't even too bad!!
Of course, you can't think about Florida without thinking about ORANGES. More specifically, orange juice from Tropicana! Did you know that Tropicana Pure Premium is 100% Pure Florida Orange Juice. Yep. One hundred percent Florida goodness. Here are some other fun Tropicana Facts:
- Tropicana is the single largest buyer of Florida fruit, purchasing approximately 11.6 billion oranges from Florida each year.
- Tropicana uses groves in 22 different Florida counties, primarily in central and southern Florida.
- The different microclimates and soil types mean that fruit
reaches peak maturity at different times, allowing Tropicana to harvest ripe fruit throughout the entire growing season.
- Many Florida growers sample oranges by cutting them into a cup shape, allowing for drinking juice directly from the fruit.
- Oranges have been grown in Florida since the 1560s, approximately 147 years before any other U.S. state.
If you need a little Florida sunshine right now, grab yourself a glass of Tropicana Premium Orange juice! Once you have that, enter the Tropicana Sweepstakes for a chance to win 100 Florida prizes including a one-year-supply of Tropicana (in the form of twelve 59 oz Tropicana Pure Premium containers) and a trip to Florida to visit an orange grove.
Can't get enough Tropicana? 'LIKE' the Tropicana facebook page for even more information!
“I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Tropicana blogging program, to earn My SocialMoms Rewards Points. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more posts on this topic, click here."
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